Our great god(Eric of sci fi) allowed us to pretty much have a free day during our game since he had nothing planned. So several of my compatriats and myself took out our baneblade for a little...joyride?....Now we'd just cleared out an old black templars stronghold and had been given dominance over bout 500 sq kloms of land to act as lords and masters of......Joy riding was a must. We came upon a herd of grox....my fellow guardsman was a feral worlder and could only eat what he killed. So he fired up the twin linked big guns on the baneblade and shot. After the liquified grox settled the owner was screaming at us. My guardsman decided to show him who was boss and got a good intimidation check that sent the bugger scapering. As he ran he kept screaming the gods have returned. I investigated along with my friend skum and foudn that these people were a little out of the way of following the god emperor. Called in the preacher and left.
**Now i told them to kneel in a booming commanding voice. Apparently according to the preacher(Aka my girlfriend) that sealed my doom for acting god like.....someone explain how thats god like?....**
So later myself, the preacher, the other guardsman and an assasin decided to take a trip to a town called altdorf. When we go there the people were in awe of our chimera(MInd you the ride was bumpy as hell) and the preacher closeted herself speaking ot a town elder. The guardsman and assasin headed to the tavern where the assassin drank to excess and my character decided to find a virgin.(Something that i'd been yelling at the table to add some stupid humor) Apparently i found several. All boys all around the ages of 8-12.....Not having a michael jackson or a catholic priest complex i picked out a decent looking woman and offered to show her a star mans prowess....Not the best pick up line. Her father was even more offended when i tried to buy her for the night. (Or to quote doug the marine rent her, or rent to own, or try to buy) The man smacked me. Being a feral worlder i returned the favor with force. A fight ensues. Now that was about as smart as me in real life pickign a fight with doug the marine.....I killed the guy. A mob forms. The assassin adn guardsman hide int he chimera. Followed by the preacher. I fire a shot from my shot gun in the air screaming "This is my boomstick!"
I Gained their attention. They advacned so i dropped one. They advanced again. So about this time my fellow teammates decide that i'm not a valuable member of the squad anymore. So a twin linked las cannon shot shears off my leg. Then a shot from full auto does about 120 points of damage total. I burn to a crisp. Their excuse I was a herertic.......
O well now i'm a mind cleansed arbitrator. There is only the emperor. And i am his law!