Specially designed for
Art of War Gaming & Miniatures, I am making the gaming tables for Pulp City. For now, I am doing a series of four 2' x 3' tables that can all be linked to make (up to) a 4' x 6' table. Each table will have its' own theme, but they will all be in a visually logical progression from board #1 to board #4.
Below are a bunch of pics with a few select comments from me.
TABLE #1: Art of War beach - A day at the shore.
These three show some very early stages of the seashore table. You can see the shoreline, the foam jetty, and the "under construction" mini-boardwalk (South Jersey shore, represent!):
In this pic, you can see small, white rectangles of plasticard on the rocks. Underneath these are small rare-earth magnets. These are all items that can be thrown about by models.
The next three pics show my scratch-built lifeguard boat. I built it using balsawood planks that I soaked in hot water for 24 hours and then shaped around my son's football piggy bank. I built this boat in the same manner as one would if one were building an
actual canoe. That is, I built it as a person would that had NO IDEA how to build a canoe...
This canoe has been magnetized for chucking at other superheros.
Here's a few middle-of-the-project pics. The table has been basecoated, beach flocked, boardwalk stained, lifeguard stand and canoe built and painted.
*NOTE* We had a game in which one of my guys picked up a Semi and chucked it at my friend. He then picked it up and threw it back at me. It dawned on us that we could just go back and forth all day with this hapless semi. So, we've decided on a house-rule that allocates wounds to throwable objects in the same manner as buildings and, when you throw them, they take damage, too. This is represented by a number in a red and yellow box on every terrain feature that can be thrown on my tables.
Finished shot (minus the two fences along the sides of the Acme Golf storefront) and a few detail shots. All benches have been magnetized for chucking.
Stay tuned for the next installment as our heroes battle it out at Acme Golf! (table #2)
Now that the table is up at the store, I can post more pics in better lighting, if anyone wants any particular details or whatever.
Comments and criticisms welcome.
Thanks for looking!