I just got the e-mail about this today, but maybe if you're free tonight we can come up?
We've also playtested warband a lot at our place and we've come up with the following rules:
- Instead of using the current ruleset for making a list, we're opting for the rules on the list, mainly because we found out that armies with higher point costs such as dark elves and chaos can't have an army that can compete otherwise.
- Magic is out in its entirety. We had a pretty long talk about it and in addition to magic missiles and things like pit of shades wiping out entire armies in one turn, things like undead raising spells kind of ruin the whole point of casualties and, in a world where most people wouldn't take casters, make undead armies nigh invincible.
- Lists should be made in the interest of having fun as opposed to winning. For example, we made it a house rule that things like stone throwers, mangler squigs, and hydras are completely out, as they can wipe out entire units at once and there aren't answers for them in smaller point values.
If you can come up tonight, hit me up at Kramersux at gmail.com and we can either play a couple rounds of warband or maybe even tie a warband game into a larger 2500 point scenario.