40K Rumors: Orks Latest
It's been nonstop 7th Edition talk for a week, but let's take a break to look at the latest Ork Chatter:
Orks are hot on the heels of 7th, (so June), and we have yet another source talking about kits that are jiving with stuff we've heard of late:
Look for the following:
- A new Ork Boys box triple-combo kit covering: Tank-Bustas, Kommandos, Flashgitz
- Buggie Combo kit (making the existing buggy and a new unknown kit)
- Mega-nobz Combo kit (making the existing Mega-nobz and a new unknown kit)
- Kopta Combo kit (making the existing Kopta and a new unknown kit)
-Stompa is said to included in the codex as a Lord of War
This latest set of rumors lines up pretty well with this set of rumors from past month:
Orks - 5 Kits
1) Plastic Warboss: Multi-part plastic kit which make a warboss in mega armor with new weapon options.
2) Deffkoptas: Plastic box. Dual build kit with a new Grot skimmer.
3) Tankbustas/Flashgitz/Ardboys: Multi-part plastic kit which makes any of the three units.
4) Buggy/Halftrakk Plastic kit with a new Supa-rokkit Launcha option.
5) Mek/Mad-doc/Mega-armor unit (NEW): Plastic dual unit kit - First unit is similar to oversized Cyb-orks. Shoots new saw-cannon. Second unit option makes mega armor Orks
~If you listen closely you can almost hear the WAAAAGH in the distance...