[quote="FrostWolf"]ok so I am looking for a couple of things for my vampire counts
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- the 1st thing would be ear for my vampires themselves the old direwolf ears dont work
I think you are going to have to sculpt the ears you are looking for from GS. Do you have some art of what you are trying to accomplish with a model?
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- 2nd thing is/was there a wolf model around the size of the varghulf(werewolf or gaint dire wolf or somthing like that) that gamesworshop makes/made
I don't ever recall there being a Werewolf or large wolf with the exception of the old doomwolf with looks like dookie.
I've gone to
www.solegends.com and searched some of the older GW stuff. Even looking at Heroquest and Marauder but no dice.
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- good models that would look good if painted write as such things as zombies, skeletons, grave gaurd, black knights and blood knights
What do you mean by good models?
Do you mean models that already look like VC without having to convert?
Do you mean models that are easy to convert?
Do you mean models that can easily be accessorize w/ VC bits?
Do you mean models that are really cool and if you spend the correct amount of time they will make a good looking VC army?
What do you mean by painted "write"? Are you looking to say painted right? But what is painted right depends on the painter, time...etc. I man painted right for a GT is 3 colors on a base
I think you mean "well painted in the style of GW VC army?"
Regardless.... here we go.
Skeletons - Only skeleton models look good as skeletons. However, you can rob empire bitz or other army bitz to kit them out. I know there is a sprue w/ an Orc skull on it but then there are only human sized skeletons available. So you could put it ontop. However, I'd just give them different hats, weapon swaps, shields...etc if you want to do something different.
Grave Guard - same opinion as above. I mean a GG is essentially an armored skeleton. I think you need to stick with these models but doesn't mean you couldn't find other bitz to swap.
Black Knights - same as above.
Zombies - really a best bet for something more unique. Any model will do. Dwarves, Goblins etc. You need to cut areas of the model with exposed flesh then use GS to model. You can do it with bones sticking through, holes in the skin. Essentially put a lot of wear on the model. Nick the weapons and shields and armor.
Then paint the clothes in muted colors of the corresponding GW army with lots of brown/black wash to dirty them up. Paint the skin in a light pale green flesh color. Use some Red for blood etc.
Banshees and Spirit hosts - Any models realy work here. Just covert paint them in a white with pale green shading. Female models for the banshees. You do need to distress the model a bit first but overall pretty easy.
Blood Knights - My first thought is with Bretonnian models or Empire mounted troops. But you could easily convert any mounted model to "count as" blood knight. Goblins on Dire wolves. I'd just look for bits that would make the model look more like VC like the coffin shields or the current BK shields, weapons, or head swap for other stuff.