Here is the completed squad. About 5.5 hours total for the crew.
All are given a base coat, citadel wash, then 1, 2 or 3 layers of highlights.
Base Coats:
Cloak: Necron Abyss
Pants/Shirt: Codex Grey
Metal: Boltgun
Flesh: Talyrn Flesh
Gold: VMC Old gold (any gold would do)
Gems: Mechrite red
Hair: Ilyun Darksun
Purple: Liche Purple
Browns: RMS Ruddy Brown.
Wash all but hair/flesh with Black wash
Wash flesh and hair with Devlan Mud
Cloak. Necron abyss repaint in all but low areas
H1: Imperial blue
H2: Imperial blue:RMS Shadow grey 50:50
H3: a few touchs of straight RMS shadow grey
Pants: Repainte codex grey leaving wash in lows alone
H1: Astronomicon Grey
H2: White
H1: boltgun
H2: Mithril Silver
Repaint Tallern flesh in all but lows
H1: RMS Golden Flesh on ridges, nose, lips, cheek bones
Repaint gold in all but lows
H1: Gold/Mithril 50:50 mix on edges
Repaint purple in all but lowest areas
H1: Liche Purple:astronomicon grey 50:50 on edges of purple
Hair (actually this is a great blonde recipe that I'll keep for later..espcially dwarf beards or Space wolf hair).
Repaint Darksun in all but lows
H1: RMS Golden blonde
Repaint Ruddy brown.
H1:edges tops w/ RMS oiled leather.