Hi Guys,
There is a group that I'm running where we are trying to meet twice a month.
The main system used is
GURPS 4/e Our primary meeting spot is YOTTAQUEST - but because of the pre-release event this weekend we are meeting at Sci-fi City this Sunday the 31st.
What the group is agreed upon is:
Four sessions set in the STAR TREK universe. That would be the same STAR TREK universe of the recent J.J. Abrams movie - but set 4 to 5 months after the last few scenes of the movie.
Different other characters than the movie, but still members of Starfleet.
Four games sessions set in the INFINITE WORLDS setting.
(Thats parallel timeline hopping. )
If anyone is interested in joining this group - then please send me a PM or an e-mail.
My e-mail is:
qoltar@hotmail.com- Ed C.