Hey all, I've had a space marine army for about 3 years, and hardly anyone to play with; but recently my friends got into the game, and have walloped me every time. I've played 6 games and lost them all. So today I set about building an army list to hopefully stand a bit more of a chance. The three armies that I play against are Orks, Space wolves, and Grey Knights. here is my army, let me know what you think, and how I can improve it.
Master of the forge
100 pts
10 man tactical squad 170 pts
missile launcher
rhino transport with 2x stormbolters 45 pts
215 pts
10 man tactical squad 170 pts
lascannon 10 pts
180 pts
5 man scout squad 75 pts
4x snipers
75 pts
Heavy Support
5 man Devastator squad 90 pts
2x missile launchers 30 pts
1 plasma cannon 25 pts
1 lascannon 35 pts
grand total of 750 points. Tell me what you guys think. Is the army good? powerful? weak? need improvement? if so how and why and how can I fix it. I can use any pointers you have. Also if you have any tips on tactics I should use with this army those would be helpful as well. Thank you all.