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CAGBASH 2014 Empty
PostSubject: CAGBASH 2014   CAGBASH 2014 EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 12:11 pm

CAGBASH 2014 March 21rst through March 23rd.

Its getting closer to that time again.  CAGBASH 2014 @ Cincycon!!!!

CAGBASH 2014 will be a 1 day event this year and will be on Saturday March 22nd.  

The cost this year will be $15 preregistration entry plus cost for the convention.  This year registraion is easier as it can all be done on the Cincycon website here: under Warhammer 40K.  

Preregistration will be open up until the week of Cincycon.  

CAGBASH will be 3 rounds at 2.5 hours each. Preliminarily I am setting it @1850pts with standard force org chart with allies and fortifications allowed. (Subject to Change but not after Feb 22, this will be the finalized time frame for all information). We are hosting multiple events this year so we are limiting registration to the 1st 50 people who register for CAGBASH 2014 40K.  When we hit that mark we will have  awaiting list.

You will be required to turn in lists before the tournament March 15th will be the cutoff date. We suggest Army Builder be used but not necessary, if you write in Word or Excel please use a universal copy and spell all equipment out along with points cost for everything on the list.

Missions will be from those used in Primers up until February.  Please look for Primers near you at your local friendly Game store!

We will Once again be hosting a Banners on Parade:  Cost is FREE
Banners must be a minimum of 2' x 4' and no bigger than 6' x 4'
The banners will be on display for the convention and will be voted on by gamers and passerby's. Each Banner must have a base attached to help prop it up.  Lucky Trinkets and trophies are allowed on the Banner. At no time is it permissible to have inappropriate sayings or messages on them. No real world Religious tie ins, no Political statements.  It is permissible to use in game religions and political jabs and jokes. A prize will be awarded to the best Banner.

Armies on Parade will be again used at CAGBASH!!! : Cost is $5
Your "army" must be displayed on a 2' x 2' display board.
To receive points in every category the board must be at least painted. The entire army on the board must be painted.  The minimum size of the army is 1 leader and 2 units.  The following Games Systems are permissible: Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, Warmachine, Hordes, Malifaux, Infinity, Mercs, and Dropzone Commander.  The winner of this event will win the coveted Ian Villamagna Award.

More information will be posted about these events and more to come!!!!
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