Three comments for things you could change to give your army a slightly different flavour, that flavour being mostly dakka.
Then two comments for being more choppy.
Instead of Kommandos, replace them with Lootas for some long ranged heavy firepower.
Instead of Big Shootas, replace them with Rokkit Launchas (drop one Deffkopta to pay for the upgrades), and you now have even more anti-tank firepower to work with, anti-tank stuff being the main weakness of Orks. (Which is why everyone loves Deffkopas now. Scouting/Outflanking twin-linked rokkits with cheap (due to black reach) models). Losing one Twin-linked Rokkit to gain three squads of 2 rokkits is a fair trade-off.
Alternatively, get rid of the big shootas/rokkits on the boyz altogether, since Slugga Boyz are usually running to get into range (then WAAAGHing to run and assault), or replace one squad of Sluggas with Shootas.
If you can spare the extra 30 points, upgrade a Nob to a Painboy. Feel No Pain will make the Nobz even more annoying to kill. Also, a WAAAGH banner is awesome. With most things being WS4 or less, you'll be hitting on 3+ and wounding on 2+ for some ded killy action.
Last comment/suggestion: Since your Warboss can be singled out sometimes, you may want to drop the 10 points on the Cybork body for an invuln save.