Alright I have just returned to 40k and had finalized two possible army lists for me to start with. They are both very similar lists with the only real difference being the swapping of a 10 man Dire Avenger squad and the Farseer's Spirit Stones and Guide for two Dire Avenger Exarchs with Bladestorm and an additional Farseer. I am currently leaning towards the first list since I feel 10 Dire Avengers on average will just be more helpful by adding a consistent group of expendable shooters to a rather small army despite the sheer awesomeness of the number of attacks a Bladestormed Exarch can perform (once a game usually I might add). As for the additional Farseer, well I feel he does add another Fortune to a unit (namely the second Wraithlord) and also puts another psyker on the table to help with Wraithsight its still not worth the points and the loose change left after the units is best spent on upgrading my one Farseer to be able to cast both Fortune on one Wraithlord and Guide on either a unit of Avengers or the Wraithguard depending on how close in the army is as for the Wraithsight, well the Wraithguard have a warlock with them and the Wraithlords shouldnt be straying to far from the Farseer or the Warlock led Wraithguard, besides wraithsight only affects on a roll of 1 anyway.
1st Army List
Farseer - Spirit Stones, Fortune, Guide
3 x 10 Dire Avengers - 120 each
2 x Wraithlords - Brightlance, Scatterlaser - 150 each
5 Wraithguard plus Warlock - Conceal
1000 total (Do I get a prize for hitting 1000 on the dot?
2nd Army List
2 x Farseers - Guide - 85 each
2 x 9 Dire Avengers plus Exarchs - Avenger, Bladestorm - 152 each
2 x Wraithlords - Brightlance, Scatterlaser - 150 each
5 Wraithguard plus Warlock - Conceal
989 total
On the table both lists should use the same general strategy which is the Avengers screen the front with the Wraithguard and Farseer behind them and the Wraithlords holding the flanks close to the other units. A big part of this army's grand strategy is that everything generally sticks together so that if facing a defensively oriented opponent the army slowly moves up with the Dire Avengers providing a saturation of anti personnel fire and being the meatshields while the Wraithlords provide either tank busting or additional anti personnel fire as they move up until they get close enough for the Wraithguard to start taking out the choicest targets and the Wraithlords can charge into close combat. Against offensively oriented opponents I generally start as forward as possible and then slowly pull back using the same general tactics as above but in reverse so as to keep out of hand to hand range and when the inevitable happens and the screen gets assualted the wraithlords charge in to counterassualt and in emergencies possibly the wraithguard too since they are damned tough if a bit lacking in armor penetrating close combat hits and number of attacks.